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搜索條件:作者(Dav Pilkey),共找到39條結果
Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea
副標題 :
作者 : Dav Pilkey
分類 :
索書號 : 741
關鍵字 :
Dog Man and Cat Kid
The Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People
索書號 : JF
The Revolting Revenge of the Radiocative Robo-Boxers
The Tyrannical Retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000
The Adventures of Captain Underpants
The Attack of the Talking Toilets
The Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants
The Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman
The Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Bay Part 1
The Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Bay Part 2
Dog Man Fetch-22
索書號 : 741.5973
Dog Man For Whom the Ball Rolls
Dog Man Mothering Heights
副標題 : From the Creator of Captain Underpants
Dog Man Grime and Punishment
vs.the Jurassic jackrabbits from Jupiter
作者 : Dav Pilkey,Dan Santat
索書號 : CB
vs.the Naughty Nightcrawlers From Neptune
vs.the Uranium Unicorns From Uranus
Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot
vs. the voodoo vultures from venus